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SOCCER AND NICK NAMES: It is usual. most in latinamerican, but also in Europe, to know players by their nicknames. It become players as a friend with their fans, and when fans are knowing somebody as his nickname you can say that this is a famous player.

Often nicknames are related to a personal charasteristic, or it is the reference for another people or special ability. Another time simply they have not explanation.

Many player are named as different animals, i.e. "el puma" (mountain lion) Morete; "El Chivo" (The Goat) Pavoni; "El Rey Leon" (The Lion King) Batistuta; "El Conejito" (The small rabbit) Saviola; "El Gato" (The Cat) Andrada; "El burrito" (The Small Donkey) Ortega, are known in Argentina.

"El Pajaro" (The bird) Hernandez was famous in Mexico, "El Polilla" (The clothes moth) Da Silva in Uruguay,and the very good spaniard forward was "El Buitre' (The Buzzard) Butragueno. Brazil had the well known "El Animal" (The Animal) Edmundo.

Also there are another, as "El Cabezon" (big head) Dalessandro, or "El loco" (The Mad) Gatti.

Colombian player that was in the MLS was "El Pibe" (The Kid) Valderrama, and Chili has "El Matador' (The Killer) Salas.

Most important players in the world has their nickname: In Germany, Franz Beckenbauer was named "El Kaiser", and Diego Armando Maradona is known in Argentina as "Pelusa".

The well known brazilian former player Pele, was born as Edson Arantes Do Nascimento.

Coaches and Referees also are renamed for fans, and We can find "El Cabezon" (The big head) Ruggeri, coach of Mexican team ,America ; "El Narigon" (The big nose) Bilardo, Argentina's National team coach in 1986's World Cup. Famous ref in Argentina was "The Sherif" Castrilli and "The Sargeant" Gimenez.

Name players coaches and ref's with their nicknames is usual and well-known.